Efficient JavaVM Just-in-Time Compilation
Andreas Krall
Institut für Computersprachen
Technische Universität Wien
Argentinierstraße 8
A-1040 Wien, Austria
Conventional compilers are designed for producing highly optimized code
without paying much attention to compile time. The design goals of Java
just-in-time compilers are different: produce fast code at the smallest
possible compile time. In this article we present a very fast algorithm for
translating JavaVM byte code to high quality machine code for RISC
processors. This algorithm handles combines instructions, does copy
elimination and coalescing and does register allocation. It comprises three
passes: basic block determination, stack analysis and register
preallocation, final register allocation and machine code generation. This
algorithm replaces an older one in the CACAO JavaVM implementation reducing
the compile time by a factor of seven and producing slightly faster machine
code. The speedup comes mainly from following simplifications: fixed
assignment of registers at basic block boundaries, simple register
allocator, better exception handling, better memory management and fine
tuning the implementation. The CACAO system is currently faster than every
JavaVM implementation for the Alpha processor and generates machine code
for all used methods of the javac compiler and its libraries in 60
milliseconds on an Alpha workstation.