Elective course in the master programs in computer science in the catalog "Fachübergreifende Qualifikationen".
This course is recommended particularly for doctoral students. If you want to take this course, you should ask your advisor to add it to the courses you have to take.
You can register until March 20, 23:59 through TISS.
Provisional dates are in Argentinierstraße 8, 4th floor, middle entrance, straight ahead into the library.
Thursday, March 6th, 2025 14h c.t.-18h Lecture by Anton Ertl. Presentations by students about an existing paper: Thursday, March 27, 2025 14h c.t.-18h Thursday, April 3, 2025 14h c.t.-18h Presentations by students about their own planned work: Thursday, May 8, 2025 14h c.t.-18h Thursday, May 15, 2025 14h c.t.-18hThe dates are provisional and can be changed if the need arises (on either side) to dates that are mutually more agreeable.
The methods in (computer and software) systems research are measurements on hard- and software systems (such as benchmarks). In this course you learn these methods, and when to use them, or when to better use the methods of theoretical computer science or social science.
If you read papers submitted for publication, and sometimes even in published papers, you often find methodological mistakes. This course hopefully will contribute to raise the methodological quality, by helping the participants write better papers, and by recognizing methodological mistakes when you review papers.
This seminar can also be useful if you take up a carreer in industry: It gives you a better idea of the value of a paper (e.g., the white paper of some technology whose adoption your company considers).
Give a presentation about the methodology of an article of your choice, followed by a discussion.
Give a presentation about a research problem, and a plan for a scientific research project on that problem; what ways to attack the problem are thinkable, which of those are interesting, which are doable given enough resources, and what do you actually do. This presentation will typically be about your own unfinished thesis (or maybe a paper project you have in mind), but you are free to present something else. The presentation is followed by a discussion.
The main focus of both presentations is the methodology of the work, but of course you also have to explain the topic of the work to the extent necessary for understanding and discussing the methodology.