< Documentation requirements
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5 Compliance and labeling

5.1 Forth-2012 systems

5.1.1 System compliance

A system that complies with all the system requirements given in sections 3 Usage requirements and 4.1 System documentation and their sub-sections is a Standard System. An otherwise Standard System that provides only a portion of the Core words is a Standard System Subset. An otherwise Standard System (Subset) that fails to comply with one or more of the minimum values or ranges specified in 3 Usage requirements and its sub-sections has environmental restrictions.

5.1.2 System labeling

A Standard System (Subset) shall be labeled a "Forth-2012 System (Subset)". That label, by itself, shall not be applied to Standard Systems or Standard System Subsets that have environmental restrictions.

The phrase "with Environmental Restrictions" shall be appended to the label of a Standard System (Subset) that has environmental restrictions.

The phrase "Providing name(s) from the Core Extensions word set" shall be appended to the label of any Standard System that provides portions of the Core Extensions word set.

The phrase "Providing the Core Extensions word set" shall be appended to the label of any Standard System that provides all of the Core Extensions word set.

5.2 Forth-2012 programs

5.2.1 Program compliance

A program that complies with all the program requirements given in sections 3 Usage requirements and 4.2 Program documentation and their sub-sections is a Standard Program.

5.2.2 Program labeling

A Standard Program shall be labeled a "Forth-2012 Program". That label, by itself, shall not be applied to Standard Programs that require the system to provide standard words outside the Core word set or that have environmental dependencies.

The phrase "with Environmental Dependencies" shall be appended to the label of Standard Programs that have environmental dependencies.

The phrase "Requiring name(s) from the Core Extensions word set" shall be appended to the label of Standard Programs that require the system to provide portions of the Core Extensions word set.

The phrase "Requiring the Core Extensions word set" shall be appended to the label of Standard Programs that require the system to provide all of the Core Extensions word set.

< Documentation requirements
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