< Proposals Process
Introduction >

200x Membership

This document is maintained by the Forth 200x Standards Committee. The committee meetings are open to the public, anybody is allowed to join the committee in its deliberations.

Membership of the committee is open to anybody who can attend. On attending a meeting of any kind a non-member becomes an observing member (observer). If they attend the next voting meeting, they will become a voting member of the committee, otherwise they revert to non-member status. An observer will not normally be allowed to vote, but may be allowed at the discretion of the committee. A member will be deemed to have resigned from the committee if they fail to attend two consecutive voting meetings.

Currently the committee has the following voting members:

Dr. M. Anton Ertl (Chair)Technische Universität Wien
Wien, Austria
Dr. Peter Knaggs (Editor)Independent Member
Trowbridge, UK
Willem BothaConstruction Computer Software (Pty) Ltd
Cape Town, South Africa
Andrew HaleyRed Hat UK Ltd.
Cambridge, UK
Dr. Ulrich HoffmannFH Wedel
Wedel, Germany
Simon KaphahnIndependent Member
Munich, Germany
Bernd PaysanNet2o
Munich, Germany
Stephen PelcMicroProcessor Engineering Ltd.
Southampton, UK
Dr. Willi StrickerIndependent Member
Springe, Germany
Leon WagnerFORTH, Inc.
Los Angeles, USA
Gerald WodniIndependent Member
Wien, Austria
The following organizations and individuals have also participated in this project as committee members. The committee recognizes and respects their contributions:

Federico de CeballosUniversidad de Cantabria
Santander, Spain
Dr. Bill StoddartTeesside University
Middlesbrough, UK
Carsten StrotmannIndependent Member
Neuenkirchen, Germany
The committee would like to thank the following contributors:

John Hayes
Marcel Hendrix
Gerry Jackson
Alex McDonald
Bruce McFarling
Charles G. Montgomery
Krishna Myneni
Howerd Oakford
Tim Partridge
Elizabeth Rather
David N. Williams

< Proposals Process
Introduction >