kind_von(karl_VI, leopold_I).
kind_von(maria_theresia, karl_VI).
kind_von(joseph_II, maria_theresia).
kind_von(joseph_II, franz_I).
kind_von(leopold_II, maria_theresia).
kind_von(marie_antoinette, maria_theresia).
:- kind_von(Kind, Elternteil).
@@	% Elternteil = leopold_I, Kind = karl_VI.
@@	% Elternteil = karl_VI, Kind = maria_theresia.
@@	% Elternteil = maria_theresia, Kind = joseph_II.
@@	% Elternteil = franz_I, Kind = joseph_II.
@@	% Elternteil = maria_theresia, Kind = leopold_II.
@@	? Weitere Lösungen mit SPACE
-----         n599 ------------------------
... they are used to query predicates.

Answer substitutions are displayed in chunks of five. In this manner also long sequences of solutions can be inspected with ease. Redundant answer substitutions are labeled separately.

The traditional toplevel shell requires one to type two keys ; RETURN for each solution which is somewhat tedious and causes most students to stick with the first solution. But many errors in predicates show up only "on backtracking". These errors are much more difficult to find. Thus seeing several solutions helps to detect errors. Additionally, GUPU enables one to inspect also infinitely long sequences.
**NEXT:Press any key except [SPACE] to stop answers.
**NEXT:Press [SPACE] for more answers.
