Topics Master- and Bachelor Thesis
185.A16 PR 10.0 ECTS

Bachelor and master theses projects are from area of the Vienna Architecture Description Language (VADL). VADL is a powerful processor description language (PDL) that enables the concise formal specification of processor architectures. By utilizing a single VADL processor specification, the VADL system exhibits the capability to automatically generate a range of artifacts necessary for rapid design space exploration. These include assemblers, compilers, linkers, functional instruction set simulators, cycle-accurate instruction set simulators, synthesizable specifications in a hardware description language, as well as test cases and documentation.

One distinctive feature of VADL lies in its separation of the instruction set architecture (ISA) specification and the microarchitecture (MiA) specification. This segregation allows users the flexibility to combine various ISAs with different MiAs, providing a versatile approach to processor design. In contrast to existing PDLs, VADL's MiA specification operates at a higher level of abstraction, enhancing the clarity and simplicity of the design process. Notably, with a single ISA specification, VADL streamlines compiler generation and maintenance by eliminating the need for intricate compiler-specific knowledge.

A detailed description of VADL can be found on arXiv

We plan to release VADL as open source. As main parts are proprietary software a rewrite of the complete system is necessary. The implementation language of VADL is JAVA 21 or higher. To improve the performance and functionality of the system it is additionally necessary to develop a new parser, optimize the instruction decoder, reimplement and improve the assembler and linker generator, add support for GCC, add support for superscaler micro architectures, add floating point support, add automatic test generation, add support for tensor instructions in the compiler, simulator and hardware generator and improve the documentation generation.

Bachelor projects must be doable in 250 to 300 hours. Therefore, only a small subset of the topics are available. Possible small topics are rewrite (parts of) the generic compiler infrastructure, evaluate the compiler optimizations to improve the generated compiler, develop a cosimulation interface for the QEMU generator, extend the QEMU generator to support delayed branches / register writes and test it with MIPS IV, develop user mode emulation for the generated QEMU, specify new architectures in VADL, develop simple test generators, extend testing of all developed OpenVADL components.

      Seminar Übersetzerbau
      Abstrakte Maschinen
      Dynamic Compilation
      Master Theses
   Professional Activities
   Short Bio
Programmierparadigmen Forum
Abstrakte Maschinen
Dynamic Compilation
Seminar Übersetzerbau
Faculty of Informatics
Vienna University of Technology
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